Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm a Worse Blogger

Okay, I admit that I am a poor church member at times and an even worse blogger. I had meant to go to the March Church Council meeting and make a plea for traditional services with my letter as a reference. Unforturnately my vocation has me working 12+ hours on a back shift, precluding anything like church meetings or a life for that matter. With some luck I will be able to go in April. Right now I need to try and get some sleep before I go back to work. Several days of 3 hour sleep periods will have me seeing Aztec temples and feathered snakes before Friday. Which wouldn't be so bad if I could schedule it for a Saturday night.
The only other thing I would like to note is my extreme pleasure at having found this corner of the bloggoshpere (Confessional Lutheranism). It gives me hope and comfort to know that there are more than a few of us.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Blogroll in Progress

I've began updating my blogroll and adding some of my favorites.
Aardvark Alley is the source for confessional Lutheran sites and tips on how to blog.
St James the Hoosier another solid Lutheran site that has provided me with a link to some excellent devotional reading. The ELLC Directory is a listing of traditional, confessional Lutheran churches that is a good resource when travelling, or on vacation to find a church to worship at. Fireside Chat with the Rector isn't Lutheran, but is some of the funniest Anglican stuff I've read. Very British, with the kind of humor that has me laughing on reflection hours later. The Howard Center is a pro family site with lots of good reading. If you are looking for good Lutheran discussion start at Aardvark Alley, his blogroll is extensive and should get your wanderings off to a good start.


I've survivied a weekend without my better half and even managed to keep 4 kids relativly clothed and fed throughout the experience. She is of with oldest and youngest son's at the Lutheran State Boys Basketball Tourny. After a day of wrestling tournements with middle son, we cleaned out the flower beds and burned refuse that should have been taken care of 6 months ago. Rewards for the kids's efforts for help was in the form of a special dispensation from me for ice cream during Lent, outside of Sunday.
Had they been adept enough at legalistic arguments they would have noted that it was after sundown anyway and by the old Jewish calender it was Sunday. Right now I am able to enjoy the glow of satisfaction, with a Lienies Red, as 4 tired children get ready for bed.
Speaking of children, recently the chairmen of our church's growth committee asked our youth group what they wanted changed in church to make it more meaningful or interesting to them. The answer, they didn't think the church should change just for them. Talk about out of the mouths of babes! Unfortunately I don't feel church growth will allow the wayward thoughts of children to disuade them in their efforts to remove tradition. I don't doubt that had they asked for anything under the sun regarding contemporary style, it would have been shouted from the rooftops that we simply must do what the youth want!! After all they're the future, we must attend to them! Instead they gave an answer that appears wise beyond the years of many of their elders.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Crosses and Crucifixs

While standing in line at a Six Flaggs ride 4 or 5 years ago I was able to listen to the conversation of a pair of neo-Reformed. The comment was something like, "I seen so-and so with a crucifix and I said my Christ is risen and no longer on my cross" In a way I can appreciate this. Further reflection had me thinking though, don't you think those of us that wear or like crucifixs don't know that Christ was ultimately victorous and glorified? Personnally it helps to remind me how great the price was for Christ to be crucified for me. A cross without Christ is only a cruel symbol of Roman justice. Only with knowledge of the Gospel can anyone understand its deeper meaning. Crucifiction itself was not peculiar to our Lord, untold thousands suffered it. Only the crucification of our Lord was significant to the world. With that man became justified unto God.
The aversion that many have to a crucifix I feel is the fear of doing something "too Catholic".

One of the hat's I have worn was that of a police officer, one night I responded to a woman who had expired in the home of her very elderly mother. As I looked around the bare walls of her bedroom I was struck how she had no pictures, photos, or religous artilcles. I thought how sad, during her last moments she had nothing to focus on or remind her of a life lived, family loved or the salvation she may have in Christ. I went home and told my wife that I really wanted to try and place some reminders or images of Christ in our home. My grandfather who had suffered a stroke and could not speak the last 8 years of his life passed at home under the care of Hospice, I remember that his last momements he was pointing to a picture of Christ in his livinng room, as if saying, " I will be with Christ soon". Now when I walk from room to room, I meet some reminder of Christ. It's hard to continue in anger, staring at a crucified Christ, even then suffering for that sin of mine.

One of my favorites is our kitchen sink Christ. We placed an older crucifix that we had obtained over the kitchen sink, since this is one of the kids's chores to wash the dishes, we thought it would be helpful for them to remember what sacrifice looks like.