Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Time to catch up

I've been rather negligent in my blogging lately. My blog reading has even been down. What could possibly cause this you may or may not ask. Well first off I recieved my new 2nd edition (I missed the first) Concordia The Lutheran Confessions, edited by McCain, among others and published by Concordia House. I can't say enough about it. If I could only have one book other than a Bible, this would be it. It reads very easy and is packed with extra's, like a suggested year long study guide and a nice selection of Reformation era paintings, including several Cranach's. The pages are finished in an ivory color much like the new Hymnals, very nice touch. Because it reads so easy I am able to discuss it with my children, referring them to sections to read and then expand upon the information through discussion. So, if your a confessional type, and even if you have an original Triglotta signed by Dau, get this readers edition, you will not be disappointed. I know, I know, I've read some scholars bemoan this or that interperative method that was or wasn't used, but I'm laity with poor latin and no german skills, so I think it's the best thing to come along for the likes of me in a long time. Enough gushing, let's move to the next cool thing I've been blessed with.
Growing in Christ Sunday School program, also by Concordia Publishing House. The amount of information and potential in this coarse is staggering. The same course that I am fortunate enough to help teach in the adult coarse is mirrored in the childeren's lesson's, allowing for disscusion of the topic on the drive home from church. It also matches up with the church year as far as sermon's go, so you get a nice in depth study of scripture, starting with pastor's sermon and then moving to Sunday school instructions for all age groups. The folks at CPH have really put alot of work into this, it focuses on the Lutheran doctrine as applied to scripture, with the scripture study in a coherent to doctrine method. This is so much better than the ad hoc classes we put together ourselves that basically took the Bible a book at a time starting with Genesis. If you are fortunate enough to have this coarse at your church let me know what you think. This coarse finds the Law and Gosple application every class, and interpets scripture from the Christ crucified focus. Excellent.
The down side at chuch is the slight waylaying the Church Council did by allowing our Pastoral Assistant (not Assistant Pastor, I know, don't ask) to teach his own class on what he wanted. This draws most of the adults since the location is accesable, but we manage to draw 4 to 8 youngish adults to Growing. I am going to ask our Parish Ed to apply a little common sense to class scheduling.
I just checked CPH's website and they have Concordia going for $20!!!! and it qualifies for free shipping!!! I'm going to have to get one or two more.


Blogger Rev. Paul T. McCain said...

Thanks very much for your very kind remarks. I'll be sure to share them with my fellow editors here at CPH.

Cordially in Christ,
Paul T. McCain

6:29 AM  
Blogger VirginiaLutherans said...

Welcome back Whey! I can now understand why you would be "absent" for so long. I have been long between posts due to the job I have. I don't get around to it all that much. I hope you get a chance to write more. I need to dig into the "supporting" documentation. Have you checked out the new Hymnal? I like the formatting, adding where the verses are, and the layout is a lot better. My only complaint is the strange "icons" they have on some pages. I have no clue where they came from. Oh well. Glad to see you back. ;-)

7:39 PM  
Blogger loofrin said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog. I 'preciate it.

I'm glad you're diggin on the new BOC. I like it, too, but I think I still prefer the old Tappert version.

9:10 PM  
Blogger loofrin said...

Oofta, brother. If you're watching a Pacers game... you gonna need more than the BoC! That's fo sho!

10:54 PM  

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