Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Star Spangled Worship

Alright, I know that this Sunday was the "Celebration Feast of American Independence" but I am really against having flags in the sanctuary now. Let me explain, the songs provided in the "blanded service" folder where mostly patriotic songs. As an example the hymn of response was America the Beautiful, and the departing hymn was some drivel sang to the tune of God Of Our Fathers that thankfully I can't remember the words to, and no it didn't mention Christ any more than the previous hymn. The sermon was actually better than normal because law and gospel where mentioned if not coherently connected. Of coarse the only recognized theme was the "we gotta grow for God" message. The clincher though was towards the end of the service, together we said the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag and then to the Christian flag...... WHAT!! The only thing left to do was burn a pinch of incense and pledge alligiance to Caesar. I still can't believe it. We haven't done this before, and it just seems soooo wrong.
Folks, I'm a veteran, I think America is the greatest country on earth, I place my hat over my heart and sing the national anthem at ball games, I even say the pledge of allegiance at village board meetings, but I am really opposed to saying it during Divine Service in God's house. My oldest son of 13 had bells and questions going off during the whole service, "Dad that song didn't even mention God let alone Christ", "Dad isn't saying the pledge during worship kind of like idol worship?" "Dad why isn't pastor wearing his robe?" "Dad......" "Shhhh, we'll talk about it after church" I would quickly try to say and silence him, not wanting to draw any attention that would seem disrespectful to anyone.
Am I being overly critical? Do I expect too much because I spend much of my spare time reading Lutheran blogs? I don't think so, but I will re-examine my viewpoint, knowing that I may be biased, but I really think I'm going to end up talking to my elder over this.


Blogger Dan @ Necessary Roughness said...

I think it's good to be sensitive to that kind of stuff.

I would think that the most important foul is the "we gotta grow for Christ" stuff. As soon as I hear a pastor put Law on me, I recognize that I can't by my own will do it to the extent that God wants. If the congregation doesn't feel that way, then they do need more Law, but the kind of Law that tells them they are dead in their sin and need Christ rather than a how-to life manual. Human fulfillment of the Law doesn't gain heaven for us; Christ's sacrifice does.

Once one addresses that, then you can move on to the patriotic stuff. I'd start with 1 Timothy 2 and note how it is appropriate to pray for "kings" for quiet, peaceful, godly, and dignified lives. The pledge of allegiance can be addressed by Acts 5:39, thanking God we aren't in a country that forces us through law to choose between God and man, but where does our allegiance lie, really? :)

Finally sir, thank you for your time in service to our country. I'm glad your 13-year-old is already discerning between wheat and chaff.

5:00 AM  
Blogger Whey Lay said...

Thanks for your thoughtful reply and kind words. Your outline for a "patriotic" sermon is spot on, addressing national feelings while staying biblical. Yes the steady diet of law and growth is what's making me feel down about the church experiance right know.

7:15 PM  
Blogger VirginiaLutherans said...

I can only echo Dan's comment- it is pretty much on target. Without addressing the essence of the problem, the symptoms won't go away.

My comment is to not be "sorry" for being principled and pointing out error. All to often people shun saying the right thing because it might offend someone. It's one thing to be less than tactful, it's entirely something else to let falsehood prevail. I would recommend talking not only to your elder, but also your pastor. Before you do, check Luther and the Augsburg Confession on this area- I am sure Luther has some wonderful book on it and I am sure the Augsburg Confession has something on it. Go prepared, and leave the rest to God.

I must also commend you for the good job you seem to be doing with your son. Anyone who can understand that some things aren't proper in the worship of God are way ahead of, unfortunately, about 80% of the LC-MS right now. Keep up the good work.

8:01 PM  
Blogger Whey Lay said...

Thanks for the tip of checking with the Confessions or writings of Luther. That will undoubtedly provide a sound basis for my discussion. I am reluctant to approach pastor directly on subjects related to the sermons. I think questions or concerns that I have should go to elders and the church board first, out of respect for the office of pastor. This would avoid 16 people coming to him individually to complain, he would only have to answer to the elders, who hopefully will have had their ears sufficiently chewed by the congregation to address the issue. Thanks for your supportive words. Glad to see you got your Titles worked out over at Cleaving the Darkness. Peace. Jack

9:13 PM  

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