Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I've survivied a weekend without my better half and even managed to keep 4 kids relativly clothed and fed throughout the experience. She is of with oldest and youngest son's at the Lutheran State Boys Basketball Tourny. After a day of wrestling tournements with middle son, we cleaned out the flower beds and burned refuse that should have been taken care of 6 months ago. Rewards for the kids's efforts for help was in the form of a special dispensation from me for ice cream during Lent, outside of Sunday.
Had they been adept enough at legalistic arguments they would have noted that it was after sundown anyway and by the old Jewish calender it was Sunday. Right now I am able to enjoy the glow of satisfaction, with a Lienies Red, as 4 tired children get ready for bed.
Speaking of children, recently the chairmen of our church's growth committee asked our youth group what they wanted changed in church to make it more meaningful or interesting to them. The answer, they didn't think the church should change just for them. Talk about out of the mouths of babes! Unfortunately I don't feel church growth will allow the wayward thoughts of children to disuade them in their efforts to remove tradition. I don't doubt that had they asked for anything under the sun regarding contemporary style, it would have been shouted from the rooftops that we simply must do what the youth want!! After all they're the future, we must attend to them! Instead they gave an answer that appears wise beyond the years of many of their elders.


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