Thursday, May 24, 2012
Three Years, Really???
It's been over three years since I last posted, really...???? It's not like I have been in a coma or anything. I have just been reeeeaaallly busy, and use most of my spare time listening to podcasts and rasising kids, which we have 8 now, for college freshman to one year old. So to give a quick summary, the kids are no longer going to the Lutheran School, but we are mostly pleased with the local public school. Our church, Our Redeemer Lutheran broke from Missouri two or so years ago and is anchored by the best pastor on the planet. I know that sounds over the top so let me put it another way. This man is such a faithful preacher of Christ, that I am almost afraid that the Lord will return with this pastor in our possesion and we, like beggers who found a priceless diamond, could not explain why and so obviously not be able or expected to have something so grand. One of the podcasts I listen to is Fighting For The Faith by Chris Rosenbrough, and have been a crew member (ARRRGGH EY MATEYS) for a while, and that means that I have heard alot of sermons, good and bad, and my pastor's normal sermon slays the best that F4TF puts on. He also catechises my kids, one on one if needed, and provides instruction that would be beneficial to most Lutherans I know.
So to catch up, I am still in the Decatur area, and working for the electric company. The blogs / websites I follow are; Get Religion, Strange Herring (when he posts), Issues etc, Fighting For The Faith. Podcast wise I listen to all of Pirate Christian Radio, and you should to, including Issues!
I am glad that Todd and Jeff landed on their feet. I am also sooo thankful to the Lord God that the LCMS seems to have selected such a wonderful president in pastor Harrison. When I was feeling the worst for the church, God delivers this. Praise be to God in the highest.
I plan on trying to get back into the groove for blogging, and intend to reconnect with the Lutheran blogosphere.
Right now I will start to surf through Aadvarks Alley.
And another thing... make sure you get on Pastor Fisk's YouTube channel. He has got to be the brightest burning star in the Confessional Lutheran galaxy right now, along with Pastor Fienne's Lutheran Sarcasm, it really is toooo funny.
The one blog that I miss, and cant find is the Fireside Chat With The Rector...... Anglican and sorely missed......
So to catch up, I am still in the Decatur area, and working for the electric company. The blogs / websites I follow are; Get Religion, Strange Herring (when he posts), Issues etc, Fighting For The Faith. Podcast wise I listen to all of Pirate Christian Radio, and you should to, including Issues!
I am glad that Todd and Jeff landed on their feet. I am also sooo thankful to the Lord God that the LCMS seems to have selected such a wonderful president in pastor Harrison. When I was feeling the worst for the church, God delivers this. Praise be to God in the highest.
I plan on trying to get back into the groove for blogging, and intend to reconnect with the Lutheran blogosphere.
Right now I will start to surf through Aadvarks Alley.
And another thing... make sure you get on Pastor Fisk's YouTube channel. He has got to be the brightest burning star in the Confessional Lutheran galaxy right now, along with Pastor Fienne's Lutheran Sarcasm, it really is toooo funny.
The one blog that I miss, and cant find is the Fireside Chat With The Rector...... Anglican and sorely missed......